Hack for Change 2022 winners!
Congratulations Team Successible! Our winner of Hack for Change: The workplace reimagined and the coveted £10,000 prize!

The judges were blown away by your neurodiverse focused app that aims to break down barriers to employment by levelling the playing field in interview testing.
What a journey these four talented software engineers have been on. Coming from backgrounds in mechanical engineering and mathematics, Clarisa, Beth, Issy and Louisa, joined Bright Network Technology Academy 18 months ago, where they excelled on our 12-week bootcamp before joining Lloyds Banking Group.
Since then, they've continued to learn the craft of code, taking every challenge in their stride. We look forward to continuing to see you all grow as software engineers. You couldn’t be more deserving winners of Hack for Change 2022.
And of course, well done to all the other teams involved. The judges were impressed by the business value, scope, innovation and technical capabilities of every single project.
Keep your eyes peeled for our final wrap up of Hack for Change 2022 which is dropping next week.