The power of post university training

45% of students do not feel prepared to enter the world of work after completing their university studies.

This finding has come out of our annual Bright Network research 'What do graduates want?' which we create to help employers to understand what the next generation are feeling about their career and future employers. ​However, additional research from Bright Network Technology Academy has shown the power of post university training to counter this problem.

The report underlines just how much students value training that goes beyond their chosen degree subject, equipping them with both the soft and job-specific technical skills required for the world of work. ​

The top five areas Bright Network members would like support with are:​

- Coding​
- Networking​
- Commercial awareness​
- Core IT skills​
- Leadership and management skills​

Tellingly, the list was topped by coding. A highly sought after skill that will be essential in our tech-focused future world of work. ​

Beyond this, a focus on business orientated skills in networking, commercial awareness and leadership show a desire for more business-focused learning.​

​Looking at the data from our own Technology Academy, we compared this to our data on work readiness - taken throughout our 12-week software engineering bootcamp - to see how prepared Technology Academy consultants feel to enter a real-life technology team.​

The power of post university training

The difference is clear. Across all of our software engineering consultants who have graduated from our technical bootcamp, we see that 87% feel prepared to start work, while an incredible 96% of consultants in two cohorts felt ready to join a technology team.​

The importance of giving young talent support at the very start of their career can be pivotal. A foundation that enables them to develop their confidence and job-specific skills can make all the difference in helping them to secure their first role after university and set them on a brilliant future career path. ​